Irek Piętowski on LinkedIn: Brain Embassy Poland gratuluję podejścia do klientów 👍 (2024)

Irek Piętowski

Innovation Consultant 🚀 Design Thinking Facilitation Trainer💡 MedTech 💊 FinTech 💰

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    Innovation Consultant 🚀 Design Thinking Facilitation Trainer💡 MedTech 💊 FinTech 💰

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    Collaboration can be a bitch.🤦♂️ We've all been in teams which were not aligned in terms of roles, rules or expectations.Here's a neat tool you can use to make your teamwork a bit better.I suggest you organise a mini workshop with the entire team and fill the canvas with post-it notes by answering each question.Team Canvas: The 9 fields explained1️⃣Purpose• Why are we doing what we are doing in the first place?2️⃣People and Roles• What are our names and the roles we have in the team?3️⃣Values• What do we stand for?• What are the guiding principles?• What are our common values that we want to be at the core of our team?4️⃣Goals• What do we want to achieve as a group?• What are our key goals that are feasible, measurable, and time-bounded?5️⃣Personal Goals• What are our personal goals that we want to achieve?6️⃣Needs and Expectations• What each one of us needs to be successful?• What are our personal needs towards the team to be at our best?7️⃣Rules and Action Points• What are the rules we want to introduce after doing this session?• How do we communicate and keep everyone up to date?• How do we make decisions?• How do we execute and evaluate what we do?8️⃣Strengths and Assets• What are the skills we have in the team that will help us achieve our goals?• What are interpersonal/soft skills that we have?• What are we good at, individually and as a team?9️⃣Weaknesses and Development Areas• What are the weaknesses we have, individually and as a team?• What our teammates should know about us?The example below is a pre-filled Miro template.By filling out the Team Canvas, teams can ensure that everyone is on the same page. It's a fantastic way to lay a strong foundation for any team, whether you're starting a new project or seeking to improve existing dynamics.Have you used the Team Canvas before? Share your experiences or questions below! #TeamCanvas #DesignThinking #Collaboration #TeamBuilding #Leadership #BusinessConsulting #Facilitation #Innovation #Workshops

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    🙌 Co dało mi ostatnie spotkanie społeczności LinkedIn Local Warszawa?Marcin Malec dałeś jedną z najlepszych prelekcji biznesowych jakie w życiu słyszałem, a słyszałem wiele 😉Konkretny, szczery i angażujący przekaz!Przez ostatnie miesiące nie miałem w ogóle motywacji do pisania tutaj. Dałeś mi inspirację do tworzenia treści po swojemu. I motywacyjnego kopa. Mam już prawie 100 pomysłów na posty. Teraz wystarczy je tylko napisać 😅Michal Kanarkiewicz z kolei prowadził sesję Q&A, która uświadomiła mi, że nawet linkedinowe sławy zmagają się z niskimi zasięgami bardzo merytorycznych postów. Bardzo dziękuję ☺️ Tomasz Maciejewski i Grzegorz Turniak dziękuję za świetną organizację i tworzenie przyjaznej i otwartej atmosfery 😊Spotkania LinkedIn Local są na tyle wartościowe, że chcę być na każdym!Żałuję, kolejna edycja dopiero we wrześniu 🥹#LinkedInLocal

    • Irek Piętowski on LinkedIn: Brain Embassy Poland gratuluję podejścia do klientów 👍 (12)
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  • Irek Piętowski

    Innovation Consultant 🚀 Design Thinking Facilitation Trainer💡 MedTech 💊 FinTech 💰

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    Here are my 10 most important tips after 10 years of practice as a facilitator 🌟Setting the stage: What to do before the workshop?1️⃣ Empathise with the sponsor of the workshop: What do they want to achieve? What is the desired effect? Who should we invite? What are the potential barriers that might stop us? Make sure there is no double agenda.2️⃣ Know your audience: Understand your participants’ backgrounds, roles, and expectations. Schedule individual calls to do that. This way you will not be anonymous to the entire room.3️⃣ Diverse teams: Mix backgrounds, roles, and personalities. Discuss the team division with the sponsor. Check if the people know each other and how well if they do. That will inform you about the time you need to allow for team-building activities.4️⃣ Brief the other facilitators: If you need more moderators, make sure they understand the goals and their role during the workshop.5️⃣ Physical space matters: Arrange a spacious, comfortable and inspiring environment. Natural light, colourful visuals, and flexible seating enhance creativity.6️⃣ Choose the tools: Sometimes you will need to create custom tools like process maps or specific fields for the personas.7️⃣ Set an agenda: Allow some time buffers for additional discussions. Don’t plan too many activities. They often don’t provide additional value but confuse participants instead. You will have to improvise a little no matter how great the agenda is.8️⃣ Create anticipation: The participants should know the goal and their role. They feel safe this way. A a sense of excitement is helpful because it builds morale. You don’t need to send a detailed agenda - that’s a false sense of security.9️⃣ Check your materials: Make sure you have enough prototyping materials, all the printouts and that your markers are working.🔟 Take care of logistics: You need to be an hour or even 90 minutes before the participants arrive so make sure you know your way and if the venue is open at the time you want to arrive.It often takes about 2 weeks to meticulously prepare the workshop, so don’t leave it until the last days.😫 Forget any of these points and you risk an enormous amount of stress during the workshop. Often it will be too late to react to a problem that you might have avoided in the first place.One stitch in time saves nine, as they say 😉 Would you add anything to this list?#DesignThinking #Innovation #WorkshopMagic #DesignThinkingWorkshop #DesignSprint #ProblemSolving #FacilitatorsRole

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  • Irek Piętowski

    Innovation Consultant 🚀 Design Thinking Facilitation Trainer💡 MedTech 💊 FinTech 💰

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    LinkedIn - więcej generycznych polecajek niż Biedronka ma palet w alejkach.#łańcuszek



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  • Irek Piętowski

    Innovation Consultant 🚀 Design Thinking Facilitation Trainer💡 MedTech 💊 FinTech 💰

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    🚀✨ You will soon see some fresh services at Allegro! How have I helped design new value propositions for Allegro users? 🤔Allegro, as part of its Innovation Hub, has created the Engagement Booster program aimed at product innovations created by teams of employees. You could call them "internal startups." 🌟💡There are many workshops with different consultants within the program and I am happy I could be one of them. 🛠️😊I conducted the workshop in English because 2 participants did not speak Polish. 🇬🇧🇵🇱As part of the workshop, we used the Value Proposition Canvas from Strategyzer. 🎨📊7 teams worked in parallel on the Miro board. 🖥️👥Using the tool we analysed:🔍 Customer actions, in specific contexts🔍 The benefits they seek from these activities🔍 The pain points that trouble themThe teams then created ideas for:✨ Characteristics of the new services✨ Benefit generators✨ Pain reducersI watched the work of the participants with great satisfaction because some of these ideas are so attractive that I would gladly try them as a user myself! 🌟🙌I look forward to seeing them implemented. 👀🔜Working for a company like Allegro is both a pleasure and an honour, and their approach to innovation is something other companies can learn from. 🏆💼Mateusz Kaliszewski Thank you for inviting me! 🙏Angelika Jaskulska Thank you for professionally coordinating the whole thing! 🤝#Innovation #ValueProposition #Allegro #Workshops #EngagementBooster #InternalStartups #CustomerCentric #ProductDevelopment #TeamWork

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  • Irek Piętowski

    Innovation Consultant 🚀 Design Thinking Facilitation Trainer💡 MedTech 💊 FinTech 💰

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    🥁 Is there more to playing drums than just entertainment? Are there any benefits for business teams?🤝The greatest benefit of a drum workshop is that it unites the team like a tribe and helps build mutual trust.Thanks to my World Drums Orchestra, leaders create a spirit of unity in their organizations.🤲The workshop creates a sense of teamwork, thanks to the fact that participants must cooperate (not compete) to achieve a common goal.🗣️Playing the drums teaches people to communicate without words, which translates into better communication in the team.💡 Making music is a creative activity, thanks to which participants train their creativity.🤗Making music together relieves conflicts and tensions in the team, which makes the group bond stronger.🏃Drumming is a great break during long conferences and trips, because it provides physical activity, and at the same time does not require changing the place or outfit.🧠Playing drums provides scientifically proven health benefits and anti-stress effects such as: lowering blood pressure, better motor coordination, muscle relaxation, coordination of both cerebral hemispheres.💥Drumming workshops trigger the participants' natural self-expression, which makes them release huge amounts of energy.#TeamBuilding #TribalLeadership #Workshops #Teamwork #Communication #Creativity #ConflictResolution #PhysicalActivity #HealthBenefits #StressRelief #SelfExpression #BusinessBenefits #Drumming #CorporateTraining



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  • Irek Piętowski

    Innovation Consultant 🚀 Design Thinking Facilitation Trainer💡 MedTech 💊 FinTech 💰

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  • Irek Piętowski

    Innovation Consultant 🚀 Design Thinking Facilitation Trainer💡 MedTech 💊 FinTech 💰

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    😧 Are you ready to get left behind?🤖 While AI has been a game-changer, the next big thing to watch is not a trend. It's a trend of trends.MICRO TRENDS, to be exact.These small, rapidly emerging customer manias can provide significant opportunities for growth and innovation, but only if you move fast enough to catch them. 🚀 They are fuelled by the shortest attention span, society has ever had.Here are three examples of micro trends that took off quickly and then faded, highlighting the need for agility:1️⃣Stanley Cups on TikTok: Stanley cups became a viral sensation on TikTok, with influencers and users showcasing their customized and aesthetically pleasing cups. The trend spiked in popularity, driving massive sales for a few months. However, as with many viral sensations, interest waned as customers saw the paradox of overconsumption of what they thought was an eco-product.2️⃣Plant-Based Meat Alternatives: Plant-based meat alternatives like the Impossible Burger and Beyond Meat saw a massive surge in interest. For a few months, they were the hottest items on menus and in grocery stores. However, consumer interest quickly shifted as new dietary trends and food innovations emerged, leaving the initial frenzy behind.3️⃣Virtual Reality Fitness Classes: Virtual reality fitness classes gained popularity during the pandemic, offering a novel way to exercise from home. Initially, they attracted a dedicated following seeking immersive workouts. However, as restrictions eased and gym memberships rebounded, the hype around virtual reality fitness classes diminished.🏢 For large companies, navigating micro trends is challenging. These trends can come and go in a flash, making it essential to be agile. However, big corporations often move slowly, decelerated by bureaucracy and lengthy decision-making processes. By the time they act, the opportunity may have passed.📈 To thrive in this environment, it's crucial for large companies to streamline their processes, empower agile teams, and stay closely connected to their customer base. Design Thinking helps with all three.Do you agree that micro trends are in fact a major trend?#MicroTrends #BusinessGrowth #Innovation #Agility #StanleyCups #TikTokTrends #FashionTrends #FidgetSpinners #CorporateStrategy #ConsumerTrends #MarketTrends #Leadership #BusinessStrategy #Trendspotting #FutureOfBusiness

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  • Irek Piętowski

    Innovation Consultant 🚀 Design Thinking Facilitation Trainer💡 MedTech 💊 FinTech 💰

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    🗳️ Zagłosowaliśmy na "TAK" prawie jednogłośnie!A była burzliwa dyskusja i tyle wątpliwości.📊 Na ostatnim CX Networking dyskutowaliśmy o Emotional Value Index - czy wyprze on NPS w badaniu satysfakcji klientów?🤔 Z jednej strony niezwykle trudno jest badać emocje klientów - samo to pytanie jest delikatne i wzbudza emocje. Klienci też często nie potrafią ich rozpoznawać i nazywać.🛒 A jednak trudno oprzeć się tezie, że decyzje zakupowe podejmujemy właśnie w oparciu o emocje i Ci, którzy lepiej będą zarządzać emocjami klientów zyskają przewagę.A nie da się zarządzać tym, czego nie można zmierzyć.Jarosław Siwek Dziękuję za szczere podzielenie się kejsem z PZU Zdrowie!Justyna Jakubczyk 🧠💃 i Elżbieta Gierczyńska dziękuję za świetną organizację i olbrzymią pracę, którą w to włożyłyście.🤝 Wspaniale było spotkać się z gronie praktyków Customer Experience i wymienić doświadczenia.👌 Świetna przestrzeń na 32 piętrze mBank Tower, super otwarci ludzie, catering, który przerósł moje oczekiwania.👉 Ale wróćmy do pytania z debaty, bo jestem ciekawy co Ty sądzisz!CZY EMOCJE KLIENTÓW NAPRAWDĘ DA SIĘ ZMIERZYĆ?#CXNetworking #CustomerExperience #NetworkingEvent #KnowledgeSharing #Inspiration

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Author: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

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Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

Birthday: 2001-08-13

Address: 96487 Kris Cliff, Teresiafurt, WI 95201

Phone: +9418513585781

Job: Senior Designer

Hobby: Calligraphy, Rowing, Vacation, Geocaching, Web surfing, Electronics, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.