Rainbooms Watches My Favorite Death Battle Episodes! - Chapter 20 - ShadowJoestar (2024)

Guts vs Nightmare

"I got the popcorn ready!" Pinkie jumped back to the group from the kitchen with a large bowl of popcorn in her hands.

"That doesn't look like popcorn." Sunset noticed how the snack looks so pink and sticky.

"It's my own tripe chocolate marshmallow peanut better popcorn! You girls and Flash are going to love it!" Pinkie smiled proudly and took a big bite of a handful of that popcorn.

"Well, I know whatever you make always tend to be good in the mouth and soul." Flash believed as he took the sticky popcorn and ate it, finding this new kind of popcorn delicious.

"Wow, this is good! You should think about opening your own sweet shop!" Flash amazed of how this popcorn and Sunset tries it too.

"I'll think about it, and maybe I'll let you be my first customer." Pinkie winked at Flash before he presses the remote for the next episode to start.

Wiz: For untold decades, scientists have searched for a legitimate method of measuring a person's level of badass-ness, completely missing the obvious answer.

"Is it having a big heart and caring for others?" Fluttershy asked.

Boomstick: Just check out the size of his sword!

"Oh…" Fluttershy sadden of this.

Boomstick: Like Guts, the brutal black swordsman from Berserk.

Wiz: And Nightmare, the demonic scourge from Soulcalibur.

Boomstick: He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick.

Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win... a Death Battle.

"Battle of giant swords, that does sound badass!" Flash excited.

Rainbooms Watches My Favorite Death Battle Episodes! - Chapter 20 - ShadowJoestar (1)

Wiz: In the realm of Midland, rumors run rampant of a man wielding a humongous blade slaying any that get in his way, but before his legend grew, this black swordsman was known simply as Guts.

"It's the simple things you don't always see it coming." Rarity commented.


Height: 6'3"/190.5 cm

Weight: 230 lbs/104.3 kg

AKA The Black Swordsman (Rainbow Dash thinks it's a cool name)

Occupation: Mercenary

Mentors: Gambino, Griffith, Godo

Branded sacrifice to Femto

Former Hawk's Raiders commander

Trained to fight since the age of 6 (Everyone shocked)

Hates the weak (Fluttershy is worried about that)

Boomstick: Oh ho, man, I'm so excited! Guts is one of the most badass and hardcore characters ever.

Scene shows of Guts fighting a slightly larger armored man with a spiked ball, and Guts shattered it with one swing of a smaller sword.

"Impressive strength, but bet I can do that with just a pinkie finger." Applejack bragged.

"I think you may actually can." Twilight nodded.

Wiz: But the story of Guts is not for the faint of heart.

Boomstick: Yeah, it's... kind of dark. You've been warned.

"Please, we've seen Godzilla and other scary things. How dark could this be." Rainbow Dash grinned with confident.

Wiz: After a brutal massacre, Guts was born from the corpse of his mother, who had been hanged from a tree.

"WHAT?!" Fluttershy shocked while hugging her Godzilla tightly onto her chest as everyone else is horrified of this as well.

"To be born like that… It's even a miracle that the baby was even born at all!" Rarity stated while trying to prevent herself from fainting.

"Who would even do such a thing to those people?" Applejack asked worry.

"Probably bandits and murders." Sunset guessed.

Boomstick: And we're just getting started. Baby Guts was discovered by a traveling band of mercenaries and was adopted by the camp whor*.

"Well, at least he had someone to take care of him." Flash smiled a little.

"Wait for it…" Pinkie said.

Wiz: Who… died of a plague three years later.

"There it is." Pinkie sighed, knowing there always has to be something bad happening to people like that woman.

Wiz: With no one left to turn to, Guts was mentored by the mercenary leader Gambino, who began training him in swordsmanship when he was just six years old.

Mercenary member:Hey Guts! Why don't you use a smaller sword? One right for your size?

Little Guts tried to attack Gambino only to knee-kick in the stomach hard.

Gambino:We don't carry any baby-sized swords for kids here anyway.

"Such a brutal man, forcing a child to become a fighter for war and such." Rarity disapproved of that man's way of "raising" Guts.

"But he had no one else to turn to, and considered the kind of era he is living in." Sunset pointed out the sad thing about Guts' life.

Wiz: An extremely determined student of war, Guts was soon brought onto the battlefield and killed his first man at the age of nine.

"No child should go through that at a young age." Spike growled, blaming whatever God of that world making Guts do that to him.

Boomstick: Despite his skill, life wasn't all murder, sunshine, and rainbows. Young Guts was constantly abused in many ways that I don't really want to go into. But these awful things he had to endure kickstarted the long and excruciating process of grooming Guts into the scariest man in the world.

"Scary is right." Flash commented.

Wiz: After killing his crazed adopted father in self-defense, Guts became a lone mercenary, and a damn good one. Recognized for his skill, he was recruited by a mercenary group called the Band of the Hawk, Led by an ambitious man named Griffith. The Hawk's raiders would be Guts' first taste of camaraderie and friendship.

"Looks like things are finally looking up for Guts, maybe he'll also see things in an awesome way." Rainbow Dash hoped.

"I would hold back that hope if I were you, I'm getting a Pinkie Sense that he'll face harshness again." Pinkie stated.

Boomstick: Over the next three years, they single-handedly ended a one-hundred-year war. Things were looking up for Guts.

"I get the feeling Pinkie's prediction is about to come true." Sunset worried.

Boomstick: Aaaand then Griffith summoned a horde of demons, transformed into a bat monster, and murdered all of Guts' friends, and claimed ownership of Guts' soul by branding his neck. If that wasn't dramatic enough, Griffith then raped Guts' girlfriend in the pool of his friends' blood as he watched, pinned down with his eye gouged out and forced to cut off his own arm.

Everyone became shocked of seeing that the man who brought Guts into his Hawks group and became good friends with him, only for him to bloody sh*t of Hell on the poor guy and having to lose everything. And they all have one thing in their minds right now.

"(I hope Griffin suffer for this!)" Everyone thought angered.

Wiz: Definitely not his best day. After all that, Guts dedicated his entire life to murdering Griffith as painfully and brutally as possible. While fighting demons on a daily basis as they are drawn to his brand like moths to a flame.

"As if the guy didn't ruin his life enough." Rainbow Dash muttered.

"Let's hope he managed to get his revenge." Applejack glared at the screen.

Boomstick: But to do this, he needs the right tools for the job.


Mechanical Hand (Pinkie joked that it's 'handy')

Cannon Arm

Repeater Crossbow

Flame Gun

Magnetized to better grip sword

Miniature Bombs

Explosive radius: 15 ft/4.6 m

Approx. the size of a golf ball

Spiked for sticking to foes

Throwing Knives [5]

Short Dagger

Berserker Armor

Boomstick: He carries a belt of throwing knives and a pouch of mini bombs even demons can't take.

Wiz: He also received a new mechanical hand, which houses a flamethrower, repeater crossbow, and a hidden single-shot cannon, perfect for blasting a demon's face off.

Boomstick: Surprise, bitch!

"I suppose that's one way to be more 'handy' than ever!" Pinkie joked as she holds up her fist.

"I think they're about to mention Guts' sword now." Flash said.

Wiz: But none of that compares to Guts' primary tool of destruction, the giant blade known as Dragonslayer.

Guts swing his Dragonslayer cutting a man in half covering the table in blood.

"Talk about a brutal table manner!" Rarity shocked.

Boomstick: Massive, thick, heavy, and far too rough, it's too big to be called a sword. More like a heap of raw iron. And it might just be the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.

"So amazing, I want to hold it!" Flash reached out his hand for that sword.

"Pretty sure it's too big for you to lift." Sunset chuckled.


Length: 6'6"/198 cm

Weight: Approx. 400 lbs/180 kg

Forged by Godo

Made of steel, yet somehow stronger than steel

Resides in both the physical & astral planes of existence simultaneously

Wiz: Forged by the legendary hermit Godo, Dragonslayer was made to... well... slay a dragon. Unfortunately, it was laughed off as impossible to use by anyone.

Boomstick/Applejack: Except for Guts.

Wiz: Standing six and a half feet long and weighing over 400 pounds, the Dragonslayer is enormous. Though not unfeasible. In real life, the largest sword ever used in battle belonged to a Frisian freedom fighter and stood seven feet tall. Though it wasn't nearly as heavy, only 14 pounds.

"Well, that's disappointing. They could've made the sword heavier for the size?" Rainbow Dash complained.

"Probably because there weren't any strong men at the time." Twilight theorized.

Boomstick: With a single swing of Dragonslayer, Guts can cleave through a man wearing heavy armor. Along with his weapon, his horse, and any other people, animals, or demons that happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

"I feel bad for those unfortunate souls." Fluttershy exclaimed.

Wiz: And after killing over a thousand demons - no, I did not stutter - Dragonslayer has bathed in so much demonic blood that it now resides in both the physical and astral planes of existence... somehow. Meaning it is capable of harming any supernatural beings.

"Wait, does that mean ghosts?" Spike asked.

Boomstick: Even ghooooosts!

"Oh, spooky!" Spike surprised.


Slew 100 men by himself in 1 night

Survived combat with Nosferatu Zodd

Shattered Grunbeld's shield

Caught Grunbeld's dragon tail swing

Has killed well over 1,000 enemies

Survived countless wounds (Flash thinks this guy is really tough)

Killed the "Sea God" from within

Once killed a demon disguised as a woman while banging her... no joke (Rarity gasped)

Wiz: Guts is an absolute monster in combat. He can move faster than the eye can track, killed one hundred soldiers on his own in a single night, and once jumped into the mouth of a giant sea god, cut his way through it, and killed it within.

"Now that's the craziest thing I have ever heard of, and I know crazy!" Pinkie stated.

Guts ready himself with his sword behind him.

Zodd:You intend to gamble your life on a single strike?

Boomstick: Guts will do ANYTHING to defeat his foes, including jumping into fire or allowing himself to be impaled just to gain an advantage. And... somehow, he always survives. He's fallen hundreds of feet, gotten stabbed through the face, taken one thousand supernatural punches at once, and even been run over by an... elf, fairy Mothra going supersonic speeds.

"Now that's what I called tough!" Applejack shocked.

Wiz: But his disregard for his own safety can be costly. Honestly, the only reason he's still alive is sheer dumb luck and unstoppable willpower.

"Having those things is better than being dead right then and there." Sunset stated.

Boomstick: And if Guts isn't tough enough on his own, he wears the Berserker Armor, the most insane battle gear you've ever seen.

"It does look scary." Fluttershy commented.

Wiz: Activating the Berserker Armor seals off the wearer's nervous system, making him immune to pain and its natural inhibitions. This allows Guts to fight at his fullest potential, boosting his power and speed at the risk of damaging his own body.

"Power for damaging yourself to defeat a powerful foe, not sure if I would go for that." Sunset said.

Boomstick: With this armor, Guts' sword swing is more powerful than a cannonball, so the force can break his own arm. But don't worry: the cursed Berserker Armor will literally rip and pierce his body to pin the bones and muscles back in place.

"That's gotta hurt like sh*t lots!" Rainbow Dash winced upon seeing Guts' arm being force back in the proper position.

Wiz: Now don't get the wrong idea. The armor does not actually heal Guts; it just holds him together. This is dangerous because, well, even though Guts won't feel pain, that doesn't make him invincible.

"Because not feeling pain can be a big downside if you're not careful." Twilight pointed out.

"Amen, sister." Pinkie nodded of agreement.

Boomstick: Plus, the Berserker Armor also kinda... forces Guts to give in to his inner demons and lose all sense of morality and restraint, making him the most violent demon-killer ever.

Wiz: Violent, and completely uncontrollable.

Boomstick: Guts is the embodiment of rage and the epitome of badassery. Believe me, the last thing you wanna do is get in this guy's way.

"No need to tell me that twice." Fluttershy said.

Guts approaches some knights, who panic at his mere presence as he holds his sword.

Guts: My sword has gotten very dull. However, it's three times as thick and does three times the damage of a normal sword. You'd better pray you die quickly, or this could be painful.

"Just hearing about it makes me feel painful." Rarity exclaimed softly.

Rainbooms Watches My Favorite Death Battle Episodes! - Chapter 20 - ShadowJoestar (2)

"Okay, let see what this Nightmare has for us." Pinkie said.

Wiz: Long, long ago, transcending history and the world, an enormous sword was forged, designed to be the deadliest weapon on the battlefield.

Boomstick: It was called Soul Edge and it was a beast! Gigantic, powerful... sexy.

"Ew, a gross sword with an eyeball is disgusting than sexy!" Rarity complained.

"That guy just has weird taste." Rainbow Dash commented.

Wiz: At a daunting six feet one inch in length, no ordinary soldier could wield it... but those who could prove unstoppable.

Boomstick: It left no survivors in its wake, just like my ex-wife at an all-you-can-eat buffet.

"That sounds silly. How would a sword eat food if it doesn't have a mouth?" Pinkie giggled.

Wiz: However, a great evil dwelled within the sword. After claiming victory upon victory and being bathed in the blood and hatred of countless foes, a fire was born inside of Soul Edge.

"Like gaining its own will?" Flash asked.

Boomstick: Literally, it's a demon made of freaking fire!

"Guess that would make senses, in a way." Twilight said.

"I'm just confuse." Spike said.

Wiz: The demon Inferno had one purpose: to infect the world with evil and chaos, but in order to do this, he needed a warrior capable of wielding the true power of Soul Edge. He planned to possess this warrior and transform them into the azure-clad knight of darkness, Nightmare.

"Oh, so Nightmare is a title of those being posses by the demon sword." Rainbow Dash said understanding this.

Soul Edge

Length: 6'1"/185 cm

Vessel of Inferno


Can take various forms based on the wielder

Malfestation Curse: Turns victims into mindless slaves of bloodlust (Fluttershy scared of that)

Wiz: Inferno's first victim came in the late 16th century when a pirate named Cervantes de León raided an English galleon and discovered the intriguing blade aboard, claiming it as his own.

"Oh boy, bet he won't like what comes next." Applejack commented.

Boomstick: But as we know, this was no ordinary, flesh-covered sword with an eyeball. Inferno seized this opportunity and possessed the pirate, testing his body by slaughtering the entire population of a Spanish port town. Talk about a test drive!

"An insane bloody test drive." Sunset commented.

Wiz: Unfortunately, while powerful, Cervantes was not the ideal vessel Inferno had sought.

Boomstick: So he made him sit in that town until two chicks showed up, killed his ass, and somebody more powerful picked up the sword.

"Guess Inferno wasn't into the pirate life." Sunset shrugged.

Wiz: That someone was a knight named Siegfried and this was the body Inferno was looking for. Once Siegfried's hand touched Soul Edge, Inferno began eating away at his soul, torturing him endlessly and feeding on his fear and anger, transforming him into Nightmare.

"Why does it have to be the heroes being force to turn evil." Fluttershy sighed looking at her stuffy Godzilla.


Height: 5'10"/178 cm

Weight: 336 lbs/152 kg

AKA the Azure Knight

The personification of Soul Edge and Inferno

Weapon style: Zweihander

Known hosts: Arcturus, Zasalamel, Cervantes, Siegfried, Pyrrha

Remembers the fighting style of all previous Nightmares (Everyone surprise of this)

Wiz: Nightmare was strong enough to threaten all of Europe, conquering whole armies and devouring thousands of innocent souls.

Boomstick: If you haven't figured it out by now, Soul Edge is kind of like the Ring from Lord of the Rings... if it can cut people and hungered for souls!

"I have no idea what this "Lord of the Rings" is, but I can only guess it's scary too." Spike hoped he never has to see something like that.

Wiz: However, Soul Edge's power was incomplete. At some point, it had been broken and shards of the demon sword had been scattered across the world. To unlock Soul Edge's true power, Nightmare set off to find the lost pieces of his sword and repair it.

"Maybe someone was strong enough to break Soul Edge." Flash guessed.

"Someone with incredible willpower too." Sunset added.

Boomstick: As Nightmare discovered each shard, the power of Soul Edge grew, and so did Nightmare's.

Signature Moves

Grim Stride

Soul Wave

Dark Reconquista

Death Lord's Vengeance

Death Lord's Annihilation

Bloody Lord's Invasion

Ether Lord's Carnage

Grim Lord's Auto-da-fé (Pinkie thought that one sounds funny)

Boomstick: He can fight with numerous stances, channel fire and lightning through Soul Edge, and devour the souls of hundreds at once with Soul Wave.

Nightmare:Watch this!

Nightmare unleashes a powerful devastating shockwave at the scared knights destroying them.

"Oh, those poor knights!" Rarity gasped.

Wiz: Despite Nightmare's evergrowing power, Siegfried constantly battled to free himself from Soul Edge's curse, and eventually he succeeded. The two did battle atop of Ostrheinsburg Castle, but Nightmare's power was so great the entire structure was obliterated by a single swing of his vile blade.

Boomstick: Just like a crazy ex-girlfriend, he figured if he couldn't have that body, no one can.

"That fire demon sure doesn't take rejections well." Sunset said, remembering how she didn't Flash breaking up with her the first time though it was less demonic and destruction.

Wiz: Soul Edge cannot be defeated by an ordinary blade. In fact, only one weapon has ever been able to harm it: a supposedly holy blade called Soul Calibur. Unknown to most, Soul Calibur is actually the final shard of Soul Edge, reforged into a second sword made specifically to combat its demonic counterpart.

"In other words, Nightmare may never complete the sword's power." Twilight stated.

Boomstick: Poor guy. How would you feel if some asshole decided to make a weapon specifically designed to murder you? And it kept showing up everywhere.

"I would feel angry if I was a fiery demonic being trying to being chaos to the world." Pinkie proclaimed.


Defeated entire armies single handedly

Obliterated Ostrheinsburg Castle in a single blow

As Dumas, thrust Europe into a continent-wide war

Killed Tira, his most loyal servant (Everyone gasped)

Ripped a hole between dimensions with Soul Edge

Has devoured thousands of souls (Everyone feels familiar on that)

Wiz: Nightmare has come close to conquering the world on numerous occasions, yet a warrior wielding Soul Calibur always seems to show up and hold him at bay. While Soul Edge seems indestructible...

Boomstick: ...apart from that pesky holy sword...

Wiz: Inferno does require a mortal body to create Nightmare. Should Nightmare fall, Inferno can risk his own life by manifesting himself to protect Soul Edge, as his very existence is tied to the sword.

"Some evil just can't take a hint and move on." Spike shook his head.

"Happens to everyone." Sunset said.

Boomstick: But if Nightmare manages to absorb that final shard, Soul Edge and Nightmare will merge into their final form: Night Terror, a larger, deadlier, fly-ier Nightmare.

Wiz and everyone: Fly-ier?

Boomstick: Yeah, when one gains the power of flying-ness? Duh.

"Not a real thing." Twilight rolled her eyes.

Wiz: No matter the time, place, or vessel, few can match the vile trio of Soul Edge, Inferno, and Nightmare.

Nightmare:Blood! Darkness! I shall drown the world in both!

Wiz: All right, the combatants are set. Let's end this debate once and for all.

Boomstick: It's time for a DEATH BATTLE! Giant swords, yeah!

"Okay, time to see which giant swords will come out on top." Sunset excited to see the match.

"I'm hoping Guts will win, he survives worse and I also feel really bad for the Hell of life he had to go through." Fluttershy believed Guts will win.

"Me too, he's going give that Nightmare guy a nightmare he won't soon forget!" Applejack declared.

"Oh, nice one!" Pinkie complimented.

"Thanks." Applejack smiled.

Nightmare is seen in a dark, bleak, lifeless forest and has gathered the pieces of Soul Edge.

"Uh-oh, looks like he already got all the pieces!" Sunset shocked.

Nightmare raises his sword, and the pieces fly onto it, transforming the blade into its true form.

Nightmare:At last! At last, the time has come!

He is interrupted by a tree falling down towards him. The person who had cut down the tree with a massive sword was Guts.

"Oh snap, the Berserker knight has come!" Pinkie cheered.

Guts:You're in my way, stand aside.

Nightmare:Fool! Tremble in my darkness!

"You may find it won't be that easy with Guts." Fluttershy said to Nightmare.


Guts rushes towards Nightmare and the swords clash. After four clashes, Guts manages to corner Nightmare into a large rock. Nightmare blocks another blow from Guts' sword before leaping out of the way as Guts cuts the rock. Shortly afterward, Guts is kicked back by Nightmare.


"Oh, and Guts was off to a strong start." Rarity commented.

Guts reels from the blows as Nightmare punches him, charges up his swing, and launches him high into the air. Nightmare proceeds to raise his sword and charges its power before releasing a large shockwave that knocks the descending Guts far back, eventually slamming into a tree.

"Come on, Guts! Show him how tough you are!" Rainbow Dash cheered.

Guts sees Nightmare charging towards him and jumps to avoid Nightmare's swing, which cuts down the tree. The two clash and find themselves in a standstill.

"I don't think Tree Hugger would like those men cutting down the trees. Even though they're already dead." Fluttershy stated.

Nightmare: What's wrong? Weakling! Feel my wrath! Tremble in fe-

Nightmare takes a few steps forward, pushing Guts back. But Guts headbutts Nightmare mid-taunt, knocking him backward. Shortly afterward, Nightmare lifts Soul Edge in the air and charges it with fire.

"Now things are heating up!" Pinkie punned.

Nightmare:Soul Calibur!

He brings the fiery blade down as time slows. Guts raises his mechanical arm as he remains in place, receiving a small cut on his face by the sword, allowing him to aim his mechanical arm in Nightmare's face. He then prepares his arm cannon, to Nightmare's surprise.


The arm cannon fires in Nightmare's face, leaving a cloud of smoke in front of his head.

"Oh yeah! Guts blew his mind away!" Flash shouted.

Guts places his arm back, then is started to see that with the smoke settling, Nightmare still had his head.

"Or not." Flash surprised.


"That's not good." Rainbow Dash worried.

Nightmare surrounds himself in a bright fire-light energy as Guts braces himself. Nightmare is lifted into the air and his armor turns blood red and he grows fiery wings, becoming Night Terror.

"Definitely not good!" Rainbow Dash freaked out.

After stopping a blow from Guts' sword, he charges and fires a large beam that knocks Guts far through the forest, eventually crashing into a tree. Night Terror hovers toward him and fires two more beams at the reeling Guts before stabbing Guts into the tree.

Night Terror:Burn!

He ignites his sword and then unleashes a large flaming attack that sends Guts straight through the tree. Guts shouts in pain as this occurs, afterward tumbling across the ground and crashing into a large rock. Night Terror points Soul Edge at Guts as he charges it up with fire.

"Guts better do something or else he'll be burn alive!" Sunset hoped Guts will survive.

Guts fires arrows at his opponent with his mechanical arm, to which Night Terror summons a pillar of fire to block them.

"Guts is gonna need something more than that to beat that nightmare knight." Rarity pointed ut.

Guts then jumps through the fire toward Night Terror, managing to cut off Night Terror's arm with Soul Edge in hand, sending them to the ground. The injured Night Terror stumbles back and falls into a crouched position as Guts shouts before swinging his sword once more, cleaving Night Terror's head in half. Guts removes his bloodied sword from the fallen Night Terror and starts walking away.

"Like that?" Applejack asked with a smirk.

Guts:I told you to stay out of my way.

"Yes, he won!" Fluttershy cheered.

"Not yet, Fluttershy." Pinkie said as the battle hasn't ended yet.

All of Night Terror's body except for his sliced off arm disappears into a shadowy smoke, to which Guts stops in his tracks. Soul Edge floats upward into the air as Inferno emerges in a fiery blaze.

"Now Inferno comes out to finish what Nightmare couldn't, let's hope Guts stop him." Flash said.

Inferno:Darkness will consume everything...

Inferno covers the battlefield in fire, which severely Guts.

"Look, Guts is using the Berserker armor!" Fluttershy pointed at the part.

Guts then activates his Berserker Armor, and he charges at Inferno before leaping towards him. He strikes Inferno directly, resulting in Inferno and Soul Edge being cut in half. At its apex, Inferno ceases to be, and all of the demonic energy has left Soul Edge. The fully armored Guts lands as the two halves of Soul Edge and a few shards fall to the ground as well.


Guts repeatedly fires arrows from his mechanical arm at the powerless remains of Soul Edge.

"He does know he won, right?" Flash asked.

"It's the armor, but I'm sure he'll calm down. Hopefully." Fluttershy concerned.

Boomstick: Hell yeah! Now that's what I call a sword fight! While Nightmare wields more power than Guts, this is what Guts does EVERY SINGLE DAY. He gets the sh*t kicked out of him trying to defeat gods and demons leagues above his abilities and still prevails.

"Tell me about it." Spike chuckled.

Wiz: It's true. All his-

Boomstick: I mean THIS GUY lives in a world where giant monsters are trying to kill you, eat you, rape you, or all three at the same time! And that's just Monday.

"Okay, I don't to tell me like that." Spike grossed out from the rape part.

Wiz: ...It's true. All his life, Guts has had the odds stacked against him and yet he's still kicking while everything else is dead.

"A hush way to look at this, but truthful none the less." Sunset said.

Boomstick: "Oh, but Wizard, I thought only Soul Calibur could destroy Soul Edge. Ergh..."

"Oh yeah, how did Guts destroyed Soul Edge?" Rainbow Dash asked.

Wiz: That's also true, in the Soulcalibur world. However, Inferno exists on an astral plane. If you recall, Guts' sword Dragonslayer also exists on such a plane, leaving no question that it could destroy Soul Edge. Plus, his Berserker Armor bought him plenty of time to land the killing blow.

"Right, because of all the demons he killed and the blood soaking the sword." Flash realized.

Boomstick: Yeah, because it will literally let you fight on until all of your bones are shattered and the last drop of your blood is spilled.

"A very hard trump card to use in situations like this." Twilight commented.

Wiz: And it's not like Soul Edge was gonna have any luck tempting Guts into picking it up and turning into another Nightmare. Not only has Guts dealt with enough demonic sh*t to know that's a bad idea, he REALLY loves that Dragonslayer. He's not giving that up for anything.

"Glad to know." Fluttershy smiled.

Boomstick: Guts was just a whole 'nother Calibur.

Wiz: The winner is Guts.

"Man, Guts was such a badass warrior… If only his life wasn't sh*t." Rainbow Dash sighed.

"We can only hope his life will get better after he finds Griffin." Rarity said.

"Right, one more episode and we're done for the day." Flash said.

Rainbooms Watches My Favorite Death Battle Episodes! - Chapter 20 - ShadowJoestar (2024)
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Article information

Author: Virgilio Hermann JD

Last Updated:

Views: 6504

Rating: 4 / 5 (61 voted)

Reviews: 84% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

Phone: +3763365785260

Job: Accounting Engineer

Hobby: Web surfing, Rafting, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Ghost hunting, Swimming, Amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.